About This Course
As educators across the world have found themselves thrust into remote and hybrid learning, many schools and colleges have turned to Microsoft Teams as a secure and integrated communications platform. Your Class Team is an online classroom for your class, and combines communication tools, online meetings, an assignment tool, gradebook, and many other features that make it the ideal tool for your remote learning strategy. The Teams app for iPad provides most of the same features as the Windows app within the unique iOS interface. This course will equip you to confidently use Teams on an iPad and most features will also be applicable to the iPhone.
What You’ll Learn
How to use an iPad to
- Find your way around Microsoft Teams
- Manage your Class Team
- Use the Assignment tool to set work to students
- Mark work and give feedback to students
- Set up online lessons using Teams Meetings
- Safely deliver online lessons, manage pupils, and share content
Course Content

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